Monday, July 25, 2016

Success Times Two

Before we started our doctor had reassured us that with one egg retrieval we would be able to have atleast 10 kids, if we chose. We were so excited to get things going and move past this hard procedure. Unfortunately the whole invitro process was nerve racking, with surprises and anxiety around every corner.

Probabley the biggest fear I had going into all of this was my fear of needles. We won't get get into it, but let's just say I had had some tramatic experiences with shots and getting my blood drawn that would freak anyone out. 

Each day Tom gave me 2 to 3 shots in the stomache. I also had my blood drawn every couple days. After all was said and done, I was poked 30 times.

Tom and I both, were put under for simple surgeries in preparation for the embryo implantation. It was funny to watch Tom wake up after his surgery, those drugs really make him silly!

As the doctor monitored our egg growth we were sad that I wasn't producing as many as expected. When the time was right, 7 eggs were harvested. After fertilization only three eggs became healthy embryos. 

With only 3 healthy embryos, a chance for 3 or less children, my hopes of never dealing with all those needles again faded away. I knew I'd have to do all of this again to bring more kids into our family. Who knows, maybe I'll be content with three kids. 

The doctor then encouraged us to only implant one embryo which would give us a 65 percent chance of success. She left the choice up to us, we could implant one or two embryos.Tom and I prayed about it and we both felt the same, we wanted to increase our chance for success to 75 percent with implanting 2 embryos instead of 1.

10 days later did a blood pregnancy test and were positive. Then we went in for an ultrasound at 6 weeks to see if one or both of the embryos had took. To our surprise they both had! We got to see them and hear their heart beats. What a special moment. Tom was on Skype because he was our of town during the doctor visit. It was so cool and exciting!

I surprised my parents with this fax: 

At our 8 week check up we were excited to see one baby moving a ton. We were also able to hear their heart beats again. Our excitement continued to grow.

At 13 weeks, on July 13th, we made our official announcememt on facebook: We are excited to announce that we are 13 weeks pregnant with twins! Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement as we have gone through invitro to bring these little ones into the world!

Wednesday we are going to our new doctor in Washington, we will be 15 weeks along. I really miss our babies. It feels like forever since I last saw them, 7 weeks. Who knows, maybe we'll find out their gender.

So excited for this new adventure. Can't believe it's really happening! :)

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Time is Here

So I bet everyone is wondering how things have been going for the last 4 months???... The answer would be crazy...and amazing!

Between earning extra income, being apart for two months to make that extra income, being a full time teacher who enjoys putting on plays and other time consuming activities, doctor appointments, minor surgeries, and mental stress... well it suffices to say,  that it's been a daily struggle!

While coping with this ever evolving sacrifice, to have children, I was unable to bring myself to keep up this blog. Sometimes, even on a daily basis, I was eondering if this would ever work out. A blog is a lot like a personal journal and I'm the type of person who loves to keep a journal. That is.... until life gets rough, then it just isn't fun for me to re-live my stress by writing it all down. I wanted to be positive and push forward, not dwelling on the struggle.

But things are going really great right now :) I dont have a lot of time right now, but I wanted everyone to know that we started IVF! This is all finally happening!

April 14th was our first day. Tom has given me shots daily, and I've had doctor appointments every couple days. Our egg retrieval will be this week, then one or two embryos will be implanted the following week. We hope to be pregnant in May!

So much has happened! We have seen real miracles take place, and we are so excited for the results. We know that God's hand has been the main reason why our journey to baby has moved forward so quickly. We are so grateful!

I promise I'll write more details soon. Until then, keep us in your prayers. These next two weeks will be really important.

Tom and I Snowmobiling this winter 
with the Pratt Family